Cornell Thomas Consulting

Nan was my Trainer/Mentor Coach at Coach Training Alliance’s Coach Certification Program course.  She is an expert instructor.  Before taking her class, I knew I wanted to become a better coach and to grow my own business. Through Nan’s experience and knowledge, I enhanced my skills, learned how to set-up and grow my business, and how to target-market to my niche. Her personal support and encouragement helped me to become the successful motivational speaker that I am today.  She sincerely cares about each of her students and works to ensure that they all have the best resources for success.

Cornell Thomas
Cornell Thomas Consulting

If you’re in a relationship that needs fixing…

If you’re in a relationship that needs fixing, Nan Einarson provides the tools. Run, do not walk! Buy and read her book “Do It Yourself Relationship Repair Guide”. Unlike so-called relationship experts who have been divorced twice and three times, Nan remains happily married after 34 years. I’ve learned a good deal from Nan and this wise and engaging book. You will, too!

Terry Hernon MacDonald

Before I started working with Nan, I had zero clients…

Before I started working with Nan, I had zero clients and a lack of confidence that I could ever support myself with my coaching practice.

Today I had my last coaching session with Nan Einarson. It’s hard to say goodbye, and yet it’s time to, as I’ve achieved the goals I set for myself 6 months ago. It’s amazing what an accountability and brainstorming partner can do.

Now I have a regular flow of clients, a gorgeous website, a flourishing Facebook community, and a slate of activities for the next few months that will continue to move me towards my personal vision of success! I am so confident that I have the ability to make this happen thanks to my work with Nan. Next year is going to ROCK and be the LAST ONE at my 9-5 job! If you’re wondering where your next client is going to come from or how to move past your blocks to your goals, get Nan on your team NOW!

I am so grateful to Nan for her wonderful coaching. If you’ve never worked with a coach before, I guarantee that you will jump several steps ahead of your current position when you do! It’s well worth every penny of the investment as it pays back exponentially.

Nan, I will always be grateful for your support and guidance!

Jessica Kaley

Procrastination Held Me Back

I have always loved people and dreamed of having a business of my own where I was really helping people to have better lives. I chose to become a certified coach and joined a Coach Certification Program with Coach Training Alliance. Nan has been a Trainer/Mentor Coach there since 2006, and has trained and certified almost 700 coaches. Because she was not my course instructor, she was available to Coach and Mentor me.

Procrastination was preventing me from acting on the specific tasks necessary to grow my coaching business, I had a very busy life, with many challenges, was getting distracted by other priorities, and was losing site of my coaching business.

While working with Nan, I was able to create a better life balance, creating space and focus on the important aspects of my life – my family and friends, my coaching business, my FT job, and very importantly to me – Self Care.  On the business front, I narrowly defined my specific niche and clarified my elevator pitch, which allowed me to attend Networking Events, write content for my website, and choose my logo, while taking care of myself, instead of putting myself last. I attracted paying clients before I even finished the certification program!

I am so glad that I decided to hire Nan to work with me.  She is a great coach, and her knowledge and experience in coaching helped me to grow at a much faster rate than I would have alone. She is very intuitive and insightful, and helped me stay focused on the important elements.  Without her, I never would have gotten my first paying clients when I did!

Amanda T.

This book is extremely easy to read…

This book is extremely easy to read with very basic guidelines for successful relationships. Even if you think you have great relationships, you may pick up some extra tips that will make them even better. Imagine what the world would be like if we all had great relationships and communicated well.

Scattered Thoughts Were Confusing

I am a professional dance instructor/choreographer. I was working my business on a part-time, informal level, and needed to expand my business and services to expand my income. I had some good ideas, but my thoughts were all over the place and I needed someone to help me focus, organize my ideas, and brainstorm new ideas with me.

From the minute Nan and I started working together, we just clicked. I had a dozen ideas running around in my head, and she helped me create order out of chaos, I was able to organize preparations for an upcoming event, market the event in new and different ways, and increase the number of attendees over last year. We have great new ideas for future events, too.

I’ve already set goals for 4 new ways to deliver my services, and have prioritized them. We’ll continue to work together. I feel like I have a thinking partner that cares about my business almost as much as I do.

I would recommend Nan as the perfect coach to help bring order and focus to people like me, who have great ideas coming at a rate of a thousand miles an hour, try to multi-task 20 different things at a time, and end up spinning their wheels!

Lucy F.

Too many times in my own life…

Too many times in my own life, I’ve been passive, not speaking my opinions, afraid of hurting someone or unsure of my own position on an issue. I also came from a dysfunctional family and wish I had read books like this in my teens or twenties. I can’t imagine what my life would be like now.

If you are looking to re-examine your life…

If you are looking to re-examine your life, define your values, and establish your goals, you’ve found the right coach! I needed some career advice, and Nan provided so much more! With my life purpose statement defined, I can now assess career options, relationships, and everything I do, to ensure my choices are in line with my values. I know exactly what is important to me, and I’m on my way to achieving it. Thanks, Nan!

Sharon Lockey

I came to Nan to work on a few things…

I came to Nan to work on a few things – my relationships with friends, family and potential partners; and to focus on help with my career. My career direction was uncertain and my current job position was unfulfilling. I wanted to be me, be happy and find what I was meant to do.

Nan is a great listener and very perceptive. I couldn’t get away with the usual critical personal comments I would inflict on myself. She challenges you, not attacks you. Her experience in a career field I was interested in was a fabulous bonus. She really understood the job issues I faced and condensed them into issues I could find strategies and solutions for.

This program gave me the confidence to actually ask someone out. I believe now, where I didn’t really believe before that I could find someone – a life soulmate. This is now a comforting attainable possibility. I have the qualities of this individual written down and know the relationship traps to avoid. I feel better prepared to take the next step with relationships.
My priorities are clear. I’m comfortable in my own skin. I’m doing things I’ve wanted to do but never risked before, ie. travelling abroad. It’s been a rewarding experience!

My career direction was uncertain and my current job position was unfulfilling. I wanted to be me, be happy and find what I was meant to do. My priorities are clear. I’m comfortable in my own skin. I’m doing things I’ve wanted to do but never risked before.

Diana B.

Limiting Beliefs Limiting Possibilities

It has been difficult for me to draw lines and push away behaviors that I continually accept which hold me back. With a guiding but non-directing approach Nan has led me to find a “me” who I have let sit back in the corner and not know the happiness I truly deserve and want.

After only two months of Coaching with Nan I have set important and necessary boundaries, created goals out of my dreams, and have found a joy in my self by just getting to know who I am. Having the tools is one thing but having a phenomenal teacher to discuss, support and guide is the icing on the cake.

Lisa L.

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